With the hard work and expertise of Mom’s on a Mission a clothing and resource center was started to benefit children in need living in the Monadnock Area.
The Clothing & Resource Center was set up by Mom’s on a Mission to help foster children in the Monadnock Region and to extend to other children as well in the community that need help with clothing and supplies. The Monadnock Area Foster Parent Association and specifically Bernie and Charlene Beaulieu have been appointed to oversee the resource center.
Since the mom’s on a mission. Charlene and Bernie have been managing a clothes closet located in a local area. It is a trailer loaded with clothing, car seats that have not expired( only good for 6 years). Bassinets, pack and plays, and high stairs. We do it on an exchange program (for example someone needs 2T clothes & then they grow out of them needing larger sizes) that is how the exchange problem works. The clothes should come back clean when returned for exchange. We have some shoes and boots as well. We have toys, some stuffed animals, some used games. Get in touch with us by calling (603)903-2139 that is Bernie’s cell phone number. For foster parents, relative cargivers, and adoptive parents.